All the images on this blog are the copyright property of the artist and his agent, and may not be reproduced without permission.

Napster sincerely hopes that people viewing these images will enjoy them as much as we did in their creation, and that viewers will enter into the spirit of the exercise, as tongue-in-cheek and wonderful as it has been and continues to be.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Mike was honoured to assist in this creation, carefully blending the palate after spending some quality time with Napster on his lap communing about the colours.

While some people say they see a goose flying south -- which is fine with Mike, because he wages constant battle against the geese setting up housekeeping on our docks and lawns -- there is a rather elfin, Entwood feeling to the flow and action in the piece. The brush strokes -- again, a damp-tail technique -- flow as effortlessly as the dancer, creating visual poetry.

1 comment:

  1. We've kept the geese away for 10 days, the time it took to sell the house. I can empathise!
